What will I get from attending?
As well as learning what the 6 Secrets™ to running a successful business are, you also get the chance to mix with like minded business people where you can share ideas and solve common issues.
What if I am not satisfied with the Business Camp?
Global Business Camps has a Money Back Guarantee.
There appears to be a lot of people in attendance – will I get “lost in the crowd”?
Whilst this can sometimes be quite daunting, the friendly and engaging nature of the presenters, coupled with the workshops conducted at the table ensure that everyone has a chance to contribute to the extent that they are comfortable.
Is there a point of contact to discuss queries regarding content or organisation and accommodation?
For all enquiries, please call 08 8423 6177
Can I bring my spouse and family? How much does it cost?
If they are attending the conference, the cost is as per the rates advised. If they only require accommodation, the rates will be as per the hotel rates.
How long do the sessions go for each day?
They are full days and vary depending on the event type. Allow for an 8.00am-5.00pm day.
Is there any obligation to sign up to anything after the camp?
We do have products that will assist you in building your business, however there is no obligation to purchase any of the products or sign up to anything after the camps.
My business is only in start up, is it still worth attending?
Definitely, if you start on the right foot, you will avoid making many of the errors businesses often make in their first year.
Don’t worry, we’re here to make sure you make the best decision.
Call 08 8423 6177 to book aFREE 30min strategy consultation