2020 Global Business – February News
Hi everyone, and welcome to the 2020 Global Business Camps February Newsletter. This edition is packed with information on key areas that have passed the test of time.
We will be looking at the following:
- Creating a ‘Service Profit Chain’ to help performance in these interesting times.
- Why attend the 2020 Global Business Camp event?
- Register for GBC and win big.
1. Create A ‘Service Profit Chain’ To Help Performance In These Interesting Times
There is no doubt that the vast majority of Australian businesses are operating in interesting times. There are a number of factors at play.
To navigate through this ‘maze’ of uncertainties, businesses need to embrace strategies to develop a ‘healthy and engaged workforce’, which will encourage ‘loyal customers’, and should result in a healthy bottom line – a ‘service profit chain’ (a term originally coined by Harvard Business School in the 1990’s).
The challenges that business owners need to face are:
- What experiences do you want your customers to have when they do business with you?
- What type of culture are your customers going to encounter when they do business with you?
- What are your business’ goals?
- What’s the philosophy of why you are in business?
This will undoubtedly lead you to the development of people. To be successful in business, you need to develop capable people. Attention to the development of capable people will lead to productivity improvements. Greater satisfaction and team loyalty will then contribute to the profitability of the business.
The other big benefit is, that this will lead to, greater customer service and satisfaction. An investment in people to deliver greater services will result in business improvement.

- What do you want your customers to experience when they deal with your business?
- What type of culture exists within your business?
- From a team member’s point of view, culture is about:
- management style;
- team work;
- developing pride in what is achieved within your business; and
- an appropriate behaviour must be experienced at every level (from the most junior team member to the most senior classification).
- From a team member’s point of view, culture is about:
Consideration needs to be given to rewards, but rewards are not all monetary. In many cases, an appropriate reward can be acknowledgement and recognition of a job well done and, ultimately, allowing the team members to participate in the fruits of the enterprise, thus creating an overall sharing in the benefits of the organisation’s success.
- How will these strategies show themselves?
- Team members will solve problems.
- Creating ideas should lead to greater innovation within the business.
- Team members should not be scared to take the initiative and go the extra mile to solve customers’ problems.
The effect of these activities will be shown in customer surveys, the business’ results and, ultimately, in the bottom line. This will contribute to a better retention rate and a more inclusive culture within the business.

How should you go about implementing this?
- Empower front-line people to fix the problem without having to refer complaints or suggestions from customers further up the line.
- Why not have a policy of ‘just fix it’?
- Some organisations are using technology to add value to their customers’ experiences by creating activities, such as ‘chat facilities’, to hear about and solve customers’ problems.
- Drive positive behaviour in team members by being absolutely clear on the purpose of the business.
What doesn’t work?
- People not being appreciated.
- Insufficient communication, especially to the front-line team members.
- Inappropriate behaviour at various levels, senior levels in particular.
The ‘service profit chain’s’ ultimate goal is customer loyalty. Loyal customers think differently about an organisation, because there is now commitment to a brand. This can lead to referrals to other potential customers. In many cases, loyal customers are easier to deal with, and price is not a factor to them. Loyal customers have already decided that they want your services, as long as the prices are reasonable. From a professional point of view, it’s how you add value and how your customers enjoy doing business with you that leads to ultimately gaining loyal customers.
What can you do to develop loyal customers?
- Have discussions within your organisation.
- Know differences between your various customers.
- Understand your customers complaints and how to solve them.
- Follow-up phone calls after a job is complete.
- Encourage customers to provide feedback
- Develop internal goals that need to be set relative to dealing with customers.
- Create key performance indicators and measure KPIs, as appropriate, on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
- Encourage success by rewarding positive behaviours within the team.
- Encourage and lead the workforce to build customer loyalty.

Ultimately, all of these activities will benefit the overall performance and improve the bottom line profitability of the business. There is no doubt that we are facing tough economic times at present. In tough times, businesses need to utilise all of the resources they can gather to ensure that the business is successful.
Now is the time for a complete review of your business activities to see where the improvements need to be made, with particular emphasis on these two key areas, happy, engaged workforce and happy loyal customers.
2. Why attend the 2020 Global Business Camp event?
- You will have like-minded people working on your business with you for 3 days.
- You will obtain the foundation that is required to run the best business that you can possibly have.
- There is Absolutely NO RISK to you by being there! The program has a 100% money back guarantee. If you have received nothing of value at the end of the event, you do not pay! (So you have nothing to lose).
- This is an enriching experience which leaves people motivated to go back to work and change things for the better.
- Reinforces the messages that you need to get right consistently. So it is very important to attend and re attend with your key team.
- Discover the ‘New Rules of Business’.
- You will seriously spend 3 days working on your ‘service profit chain’
- This will change the way you view your business now and forever. This will in turn improve your life.
- You will make more money and enjoy a better lifestyle.
- Your business value will increase.
How do you get an unfair advantage against your competitors?

One of the major areas we will be looking at is the value of your customer. We will work through the major strategies that can really make a massive difference to any business. As Jay Abraham (Marketing Wizard) puts it – “You are surrounded by simple, obvious solutions that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don’t see them”.
By implementing the strategies we will be working through, teaching you how to seriously increase your revenue and in turn your profits.
How do we work on these things?
- We will focus on the 6 Secrets™ to any business – these alone will provide you with so much value.
- Look closely at the 5 Key Business Building Strategies™ – the 5 ways will show you how little changes can have profound effects on your business.
- Work through the business planning framework™.
- And much, much more.
The camp is truly a great way to lock yourself away for a few days and seriously think and work on your business with like minded business people and your advisers.
When: 23rd to the 25th of March 2020.
Where: The magnificent Hilton Surfers Paradise.
Do not miss out on this massive opportunity to come along and for those that have been a number of times you understand that reinforcement of the ideas is just so vital.
Commit to attend the camp with some of your team and pay it off over the next few months. Now that is really cool.
It is truly an event not to be missed by anyone in business no matter how many times you have attended before.
Contact your adviser or e-mail us at john@globalbusinesscamps.com.au for your special pricing.
3. Register for GBC and Win Big
Extra Special Offer This Event:
Apart from our money back guarantee (people that attend and implement the strategies and do not receive a 10X return on their course investment will be refunded in full) we are offering a special promotion. For anyone that registers (offer extended due to high demand) we will gift them a special accommodation offer for a holiday in the below destinations.
- Bali – 7 nights
- Phuket – 7 Nights
- Fiji – 4 Nights
- Vanuatu – 4 Nights
- Koh Samui -7 Nights
- Sydney – 4 Nights
- Melbourne – 4 Nights
- Gold Coast – 4 Nights
- Brisbane – 4 Nights
We are offering free holiday accommodation for every delegate who attend the 2020 GBC in one of the 9 amazing locations noted below. Just pay the Government fees and charges for each room at approx. $20USD per night and the value is between $1,000 to $2,000. It’s as easy as that!
By simply attending the 2020 Global Business Camp,each delegate will receive free holiday accommodation, there are 9 amazing locations to choose from. Just pay the Government fees and charges for each room at approx. $20USD per night and the value is between $1,000 to $2,000. It’s as easy as that!
So apart from attending the business camp and getting many great ideas, meeting and networking with like-minded people and working on your business for 3 days with one of our valued team or your valued advisor you get this as well. You will in turn have a better life and make more money and we will gift a voucher to everyone at the camp.
The hotels:
They are rated 4 Star by TripAdvisory, this means that some will be possibly 3 Star, as TripAdvisor has its own metrics. But I can assure you there’s no dodgy caravan parks, ha!
Rooms are available on a normal “genuine availability” basis, which of course means School Holidays & Christmas etc are always going to be tight!
- Event date – 23 – 25 March 2020.
- Location – Hilton Surfers Paradise.
- 100% tax deductible (flights, accommodation, incidentals and course investment).
- 100% money back guarantee – if you do not get 10X return on your course investment you should call on the guarantee.
- Free accommodation in 9 amazing destinations just by attending the camp.
- The 3 days will re-invigorate you and provide you with great ideas for your business.
- Network with other forward thinking and like-minded business people.
- Speakers – John Tsoulos (Business structure and customer service advocate), Paul Dunn (B1G1 and business guru), David Smith (Technology change specialist), Adam Houlahan, (Linkedin guru), Heather Yelland (Leadership expert)’, Mark Holton (The 1% change expert) and John Dwyer (Marketing enigma/magician).
- 21 hours of professional development.
- Contact your adviser or e-mail us at john@globalbusinesscamps.com.au for your special pricing.
Please feel free to pass the GBC News to anyone you feel may get value from it. If you know of anyone that should be at the next GBC please tell them about the event and why they should come along. We know that “birds of a feather flock together” and we want more business people and friends just like you to attend.
Contact your adviser or e-mail us at john@globalbusinesscamps.com.au for your special pricing.
Cheers for now from the GBC Team.