Our next Camp in February 2025 will be the best yet, REGISTER NOW!

Quick 3 Question Health Check

Are you confident that you know how robust your business is? Do you know all its pain points, what all its wheezes and coughs mean?

This quiz, created by business experts from the Jelf Group (UK), will help you identify how au fait you really are with your company’s health.  It will take you about 60 seconds so no excuses!

Q1:  If your business were suddenly faced with a $5,000 bill, how would you pay it?

  • A:  There’s no way I would be able to afford a bill of this size
  • B:  I’d have to pay it myself from my own savings or personal loans
  • C:  My business could cover it

Did you know that up to half of businesses would have to look outside their business to cover the bill.

Q2:  How many of your employees are essential to your business’s survival and success?

  • A:  Well, if I think about it, most of my sales come through one employee
  • B:  I have a great team but they all have quite specific skill sets
  • C:  My team is robust, cross-skilled and collaborates on everything

Relying on one key staff member can be dangerous.  Have you considered your contingencies?  Do you record processes and standard operating procedures?  Would you be able to pick up where a key team member left off if they’re unable to work?

Q3:  When did you last carry out risk analysis and health and safety checks?

  • A:  Sorry, what are they?
  • B:  I do them every couple of years when things get quiet
  • C:  I do them every year, without fail

Think of this as a business health check where prevention is better than cure.  By not completing these checks you are putting your company and your employee’s at risk.  This could be hugely disruptive and expensive.  Aim to do them once a year as a standard and every time your business activities notably change.

How Did You Go?

If you haven’t answered C for each question, it sounds like you could benefit from taking some time out to spend working ON your business not IN it.

Find out more about the benefits you would reap from attending the next Global Business Camp in July/August 2018.

Why should you consider Global Business Camps?

I know this is a tough topic. Most people do not like to work ON their business, let alone to invest money and go away to do it. But it is vitally important that you do.

We are all working harder than ever.  There is more competition than ever.  Do you ever feel like you can’t work much harder, but you’re not gaining ground on your competitors and not seeing the impact on your bottom line?

It’s time to stop!  I have a fantastic opportunity which will only take 3 days of your life, but could change your path to business success if you take it.

Global Business Camps will be hosting a 3 day Business Camp which will have you working ON your business and not in it. Not only will you get to work ON your business you also:

  • Get to network with other like-minded business people that are in the trenches just like you.
  • Learn how to plan the future of your business in a structured way and begin the process whilst on the camp
  • Hear from industry experts on what actually works
  • Get key team members involved in planning for the business.
  • Get to hear great ways to market and grow your business

Global Business Camps have been running these 3 day camps for 16 years and have worked with over 1000 businesses to help them achieve business success.

So confident are we in this product, the content and the execution that we offer a 100% money back guarantee.  There is absolutely no risk to you!

Not quite convinced?  Here are just a few success stories from previous attendees:

  • Hospitality company: increased turnover from $22,000 pw to $45,000 pw over 4 years. Profit has gone from $150,000 pa to $600,000 pa. They have attended 4 events.
  • Electrician: revenue increase from $450,000 pa to $1,100,000 pa within 5 years. Has attended 1 event.
  • Legal firm with 2 partners: increased profits from $150,000 pa each working 80 hours pw to $1M pa and now working 40 hours pw. They now openly say “We have a business and not just a job”. They have attended 2 events.
  • Road rehabilitation group: increased revenue from $40M to $75M over 8 years. They have attended 8 events.
  • Construction company: has increased revenue from $61M to $88M in 5 years. They have attended 4 events.
  • Accommodation business: has increased occupancy rates from 73% to 89% over a 3 year period. They have attended 3 events.
  • Fast food outlet: has increased turnover from $13,000 per wk to $24,000 per week over 6 years. They have attended 4 events.

Here are what a couple of previous attendees’ have had to say:

“I’m the director of Outback Whips and Leather in Broken Hill.  This is our second business camp and even as a small business out in the centre of Australia, we just got so much out of it the first year.  It was a bit overwhelming, so we’ve come back this year more focussed and it’s just absolutely brilliant.”

Ron Hill, Outback Whips & Leather

“I was encouraged to attend by my accountant and what I’ve found so far has opened my eyes to all the things we are not doing.  We’ve neglected the core values of our business.  It’s just a great experience so far and I”m looking forward to the remainder of the conference – and will definitely be back next year.”

Andrew Gideon, tiesncuffs.com.au

Mark out your calendar as busy from the 30th July to the 1st August 2018 and book yourself and your key team members in at the magnificent QT Gold Coast.

Click here to register now