Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, New Year and a well deserved break.
10.5 weeks to go:
There is just over 10 weeks until the 2020 Global Business Camp and the event is taking shape nicely. Thank you to everyone that has registered, I cannot wait to see you all at the event. Please read on for interesting tips. For those of you who have not registered, I truly hope you do. This will be an amazing 3 days of working on your business whilst having fun and the bonus is that it’s 100% tax deductible. I guarantee it will change your life for the better. You have nothing to lose apart from your time (see below for our guarantee).
Very Special Offer – VIP:
It will be a great 3 days working on your business with other like-minded business people from all over the country.
The full rate is $3,300 per person. However, a very special price is available for you by emailing me at john@globalbusinesscamps.com.au or by contacting your forward thinking accountant.
10X return or your money back:
The 3 days will not disappoint with our structured 6 Secrets™ to a successful business process and all of the specialist speakers (refer attached information for more detail).
After attending and implementing the strategies and following the processes, if you do not receive a 10X return on your course investment we will refund your investment in full. That is right, we believe wholeheartedly in the process that we are happy to take all the risk away from you.
- Event date – 23 – 25 March 2020 (10.5 weeks away).
- Location – Hilton Surfers Paradise.
- 100% tax deductible (flights, accommodation, incidentals and course investment).
- 100% money back guarantee – if you do not get 10X return on your course investment you should call on the guarantee.
- The 3 days will re-invigorate you and provide you with great ideas for your business.
- Network with other forward thinking and like-minded business people.
- Speakers – John Tsoulos (Business structure and customer service advocate), Paul Dunn (B1G1 and business guru), David Smith (Technology change specialist), Adam Houlahan, (Linkedin guru), Heather Yelland (Leadership expert)’, Mark Holton (The 1% change expert) and John Dwyer (Marketing enigma/magician).
- Refer to the attached pdf for more details on the program and speakers.
It is an interesting time out there and this year’s event is truly not one to be missed.

Here are a few tips to think about before you attend the event. We will be working through all of these over the 3 days.
- Provide outstanding customer service
Providing outstanding customer service is critical to any business. According to Harvard Business Review, investing in new customers is between 5 and 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones. Wow, that is huge.
Find out what are now the must do’s or non-negotiables to make you and your business stand out. Focusing on your existing valued customers is one of the most critical strategies.
- Boost your marketing efforts
With each year comes new marketing trends and if you don’t keep up and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly, you will not be able to capture the attention of users online or turn them into customers. Is your business’ social media marketing strategy ready for that?
Find out at the business camp what are the now must do’s or non-negotiables on social media and with all other forms of marketing. The key in today’s economy is to stand out from the crowd.
- Increase productivity
Many business owners wish they had more time in their day to get things done. To make your business more productive, you can work on becoming a faster, more organised worker. One of the greatest strategies for this is to automate processes.
Find out at the business camp how to do this and why this is so important in the day to day running and the long term value of your business.
- Delegate more tasks and grow your team
As a business owner, you might feel like you need to do everything yourself. Make 2020 the year you start delegating, hiring more staff or outsourcing so you can stop focusing so much on the day to day and focus more on truly growing your business.
Find out how to work ON your business and not just in it. We will show you why this is so important for your customers, team, your business and in turn for you.
- Get a grip on the financials
Before you can start looking at increasing your profits, you must know where you stand. Put systems in place to track incomes, expenses and even where time is spent.
Find out how you can get everything you need out of your financials and see how small changes can make significant impacts.
- Meet regularly/communicate
Host regular meetings with your team. These meetings can be daily or weekly. Planning is critical for nurturing a growing business.
Find out at the business camp how businesses that plan, meet and communicate have better results than the ones that do not.
- Put up your prices
You must understand the true costs of delivering a product or service. You may discover that your prices are too low. If your products or services are of a good quality, you should be able to easily increase your prices by 10 per cent without upsetting good customers.
Find out how to do this and why your customers/clients/patients will still appreciate the service.
Like I stated above, it’s an interesting time with increased competition and demanding customers. How are you going to make your business stand out from the crowd?

Now it is over to you
Get organised (if you are not already) and join us at the next business camp. All of the above will increase your profits and in turn your business value.
The business camp will truly change your business and in turn your life.
If I told you I could provide you with something that guarantees to change your life what would you say? Most people would say how do I get it?
Well here is your risk free chance. It is truly up to you.
I look forward to hearing from you and of course seeing you at the event.
Kind regards,
John and the Global Business Camps Team