Our next Camp in February 2025 will be the best yet, REGISTER NOW!

Why you Cannot Afford to Miss the 2022 Global Business Camp

This is why you Must be There…….

 Where: Hilton, Surfers Paradise

 When: 28 – 30 March, 2022

 Our Guarantee (so absolutely NO RISK FOR YOU): If you come along and do not get at least 1 idea that pays for the course investment 10 times over then we will give you your money back. The only disclaimer is that you come along with an open mind and you get involved and work through the course and you implement what you learn. It will be the best decision you ever make for your business and your life.

100% Tax Deductable: The whole event (getting up there and back, accommodation, the course investment, meals and spending a few days up there before and/or after) is 100% tax deductable. So, the Government helps you grow your business by letting you claim all of those things, now that is awesome.

 At the Event: We will have a team member of ours on every table. So you will not be left alone, we will work with you for the 3 days.

 After the Event: We will not leave you alone. We will work with you (if you like) after the event to make sure you get the maximum results and benefits form the 3 days.

Like Minded People: The event brings like-minded forward thinking people in one room where everyone shares and provides ideas and thoughts for all attendees to use.

Best of Breed Key Note Speakers: specialising in technology, social media, marketing, the numbers, customer service, team, culture, motivational, strategy, sales and much more

The 3 Day Program focuses on:

  • The 6 Secrets™ of any successful business. This simple yet powerful concept will give you a structured starting point to start the journey improving the performance of your business.
  • The 5 Key Business Building Strategies™.
  • You will also learn how to apply systems that will improve your business.
  • How you can profit by working ON rather than IN your business.
  • You will discover how to calculate the real value of your business and what you can do to increase that value.
  • You will learn how to increase the profitability of your business but NOT at the expense of your quality of life.
  • Discover how it is the “Little Things” that have a profound effect.
  • Benefit from the experiences of other business people.

What are some of the things you will work on?

  • We look at how planning ensures you can manage the things you can control.
  • We look at the impact of beginning with the end in mind and how it dramatically can alter how your business moves forward.
  • We drill in and look at the 5 Key Business Building Strategies™ – the 5 ways will show you how little changes can have profound effects on your business.
  • We look at the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and how by tackling them you can multiply your businesses service levels and in turn your profits.
  • You will learn about the Value Gap Test™ and start to work on it.
  • You will be introduced to the 5 Steps to Successful Succession™ – this alone will ensure you obtain a much higher price for your business.

You will also have the opportunity to meet and do business with other people who are business people just like you. You will be able to combine the shared experience of the group with your own resources to work on the specific issues your business is faced with.

What People are Saying about the Global Business camp Event:

What I loved about GBC: John’s infectious excitement! Business bible (take home folder). Revisiting our values, mission and culture. Making sure the right people are ‘on the bus’, and improve our team. – IRENE, BUSINESS SERVICES INDUSTRY

John is the man that defies all of your expectations of accountants! He is the greatest cheerleader we’ve ever met! He’s exciting, engaging and challenging. John mixes his business savvy with unbridled enthusiasm and a commitment to seeing us realise our business dreams!

He comes off the stage and into the heart of the business and we love him for it! It’s John’s voice that gets into your head once you’ve left Global Business Camps, whispering to you “that’s so cool” when you’re turning the 6 Secrets™ into your reality! – TRICIA, TRAIN TO SUCCEED

We plan to go on holidays, we plan how to build our house but we don’t really plan as to where we want our business to be in 5 then 10 years so that we’ve got a set goal to get to. – IAN HEALY

Or just go and listen to a what a few wonderful people have had to say – https://globalbusinesscamps.com.au/event/testimonials/

Find out more at https://globalbusinesscamps.com.au/camp about the 28-30 March, 2022 Global Business Camp and register now.

Merry Christmas

If someone asked you what your ideal day is, what would you answer?

This year was a year where many of us have taken stock of what is important, refined our goals, and focussed on closing the gap between our ideal and our reality.

We’ll look forward to working with you again in 2022 and helping you to close that gap!

On behalf of all the team we wish you a safe and happy Christmas.